Budget 2024: Regional economic development takeouts
I had the pleasure of attending Budget 2024. Rather than get swamped in the detail, I dedicated my focus to unpacking what is in the Budget for regional economic development.
I had the pleasure of attending Budget 2024. Rather than get swamped in the detail, I dedicated my focus to unpacking what is in the Budget for regional economic development.
A change in government can have a significant impact on economic development. As the priorities and policies of a new government take shape, it's crucial for economic development agencies to adapt and align their strategies accordingly.
I attended Budget 2023 with the sole focus of trying to establish what was in it for regional economic development. As I scanned through the Budget documents, I was immediately concerned that there was no regional economic development media release as there had been in previous budgets.
Net migration into New Zealand has reached a record level for non-New Zealand citizens. Quite the scene-setter for Budget 2023, where the government is trying to tighten the belt, at a time when it also needs to be lifting investment in closing infrastructure deficits and delivering essential services!
It was a pleasure to talk to Andy Thompson on The Muster recently about politics, housing, and how the Trans-Tasman travel bubble help or hinder regional economies.
Over the summer break I was one of several economists asked to give our hopes for 2020. My response focussed solely on government action. I wanted to see less hui, more do-ey in 2020.
This article reflects on economic development philosophy, including comparisons between the Provincial Growth Fund and European funds based on personal experience. It is written by Ceri Macleod, who is Economic Development Coordinator at Gore District Council.
New Zealand’s short three-year parliamentary term is an impediment to meaningful policy implementation. Politicians have a fire under their bum to get stuff done fast. There is no time for new politicians to learn the ropes and, consequently, policy-on-the-fly becomes the modus operandi.