Denver is a key NZ launchpad to the US
Denver, Colorado has emerged as an unlikely hub for scaling up New Zealand businesses establishing their North American presence. New Zealand is Colorado's 6th largest provider of Foreign Direct Investment!
Denver, Colorado has emerged as an unlikely hub for scaling up New Zealand businesses establishing their North American presence. New Zealand is Colorado's 6th largest provider of Foreign Direct Investment!
I recently participated in a panel interview with NBR on how New Zealand responds to shocks. My fellow panelists were former Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor Alan Bollard and academic Ilan Noy.
There was sharp lift in the number of businesses operating in New Zealand over the past year – […]
Inflationary expectations are becoming unhinged, with businesses’ expectations of inflation two years out running at their highest level in more than 30 years (since 1991)!
New Zealand's Māori businesses are doing an incredible job on the world stage. Exports by businesses owned by Māori authorities rose 21% in 2021 to total $872 million.
In a higher inflationary environment, the stakes are raised for businesses when it comes to protecting your profit margins. You need to be agile in your procurement practices and in how you price your good or service. I strongly urge businesses to make inflation a top priority in your business planning for 2022.
The unemployment rate recently fell to an incredibly low 3.4% in September. This means that only 3 out of every 100 people who are keen to work have been unable to find a job. Can we trust this recent unemployment result and, if so, what does it mean?
Businesses are playing fairer with each other. Xero’s time to be paid indicator shows that the average small business now waits 23.6 days for an invoice to be paid, down from 26.7 days in June a year ago.
Changes in demand due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as increased awareness about carbon emissions, may mean that New Zealand finds itself with an oversupply of convention centres.
Everyone keeps telling me we have a tight labour market. But that is not 100% true. There is actually quite a lot of slack in the labour market of people wanting to work more.
I recently spoke to Kerre McIvor on Newstalk ZB at length about how employers can solve the challenge of finding and retaining staff. COVID-19 has left some employers exposed, particularly in regions and industries that had relied on a steady stream of itinerant labour from abroad.
There were 10,827 businesses removed from the Companies Register in September, well up on the lockdown low of 839 in April. Nevertheless, don't get too concerned just yet. Offsetting these closures have been surprising levels of business startups, which rose sharply in the September quarter.